Monday, September 7, 2009

Lessons Can Be Learnt From YSR's Life

When it comes to the life and story of Y S Rajasekhara Reddy, it is no less than a memoir of rich experiences and learning points for others. So here is a gist of what lessons one can take in a point sequence.

* Try to smile as long as you can
* Talk with human touch
* Believe in hard work
* Be a strength to those who trust and rely on you
* Determination to achieve what one wants without rest
* Be fearless and take challenges head on
* Keep up the commitments made to others at any cost
* Learn to help others and bring a difference in lives around you
* Have a vision for the future and the society
* Treat one and all with equality and humanity
* Be a pillar of strength for near and dear
* Self discipline and honesty
* Follow the rules and set example for others around
* Believe in serving for the land that you come from
* Kindness, respect and a helping hand always

Given the qualities that YS possesses, it would take a book but then if one is able to implement at least five out of these then they can bring about a huge difference to this world. That’s what YS did and that’s what he expected others to do.

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